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What are the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders, and How do I Differentiate Them? 

Have you perhaps found yourself dodging certain situations because they trigger intense feelings of fear and dread? The mere thought of an event makes you shudder and shut down. This could be anxiety.
Phillipa Brown
7 min read

Have you ever felt a sudden rush of fear out of nowhere? Your heart starts to pound like it’s about to blast out of your chest. Your palms are sweating profusely. Your mind starts to race, as it fills up with different scary scenarios? 

Have you perhaps found yourself dodging certain situations because they trigger intense feelings of fear and dread? The mere thought of an event makes you shudder and shut down… 

These are just some of the manifestations of anxiety disorders, a common but often misunderstood mental health condition. It’s a mental health condition that will affect 28% of Australians at least once in their life

In this article, we’ll share with you the different types of anxiety disorders people experience. This will help you understand the emotions you (or the people around you) feel. We’re writing this with the hopes that through our knowledge and expertise, you can find proactive solutions for these disorders.

What are Anxiety Disorders? 

Before we go through the different types of anxiety disorders, let’s define it first. 

We identify anxiety disorders as mental health conditions characterised by excessive feelings of fear, worry, or apprehension. This is typically experienced on a regular basis through a period of time. 

They go beyond the normal jitters we all feel from time to time and can significantly disrupt our everyday life. 

While it's normal for us to experience occasional anxiety and fear, such as before a job interview or during a challenging situation, anxiety disorders involve persistent and overwhelming feelings that interfere with one’s daily life.

Anxiety disorders are a complex mental health issue because they have different types which have different manifestations, symptoms, causes, and treatments. 

What are the different types of anxiety? 

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People typically describe Generalised Anxiety Disorder as living in a constant state of "what if." 

Imagine living in a constant state of worry. A life where the smallest uncertainties can trigger an avalanche of anxious thoughts. Where every little mistake feels like drastic consequences are coming. This is the reality for people living with GAD. 

They experience excessive worry about a wide range of topics, including work, health, family, and finances. Usually, these worries can be exaggerated.  

The most common distinction of Generalised Anxiety compared to other types of anxiety disorders is how it masks itself as normal thoughts in our lives. They’re nothing extreme like other anxiety disorders. But what makes them terrible is they keep us in a constant state of stress and worry. 

So how would you know if you have GAD? 

Monitoring your thoughts is a great way to take notice of your inner-dialogue. One suggestion might be to keep a journal of your thoughts for a couple of days. Ideally a week. Monitor and record the thoughts you get throughout the day. Then at the end of the day, observe and evaluate the thoughts that you’ve captured. 

If you see that many of your thoughts are worries (big or small) – “what if I get laid off?” “what if I left the lights on?” “What if my partner is cheating on me?” “what if this unknown number is the hospital?” – then it’s possible that you’re experiencing GAD, and you should consult with a trained professional such as the registered psychologists at MeHelp Psychology. 

When untreated, prolonged Generalised Anxiety Disorder can lead to other mental health challenges. That’s because the constant pattern of worry creates a negative mental loop that our mind adopts. This is why seeking treatment for GAD is important. 


Unlike generalised anxiety which has you worrying about every single thing, phobias are usually focused on one thing. But, they are intense, irrational fears of objects, situations, or activities. 

Although almost everyone has fears (because it’s a survival mechanism), phobias provoke an extreme reaction. This often prompts people with phobia to go to great lengths to avoid the things they fear. 

For example, while most people would feel disgusted or nervous at the sight of blood, people with phobias might experience a panic attack when exposed to blood. In extreme cases, people who even just think about their phobias experience adverse reactions. This makes certain events paralysing for people with phobia. 

Common phobias include agoraphobia (fear of open or crowded spaces), claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces), and social phobia (fear of social situations). 

Social Anxiety Disorder 

Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as social phobia is a type of phobia. 

The main characteristic of Social Anxiety Disorder is having an overwhelming fear in social situations. Typically, people who have social anxiety feel afraid of social interactions – meeting new people, attending parties, doing presentations. 

In extreme cases, even going out in public for basic errands like doing the groceries, shopping, and walking outside can be extremely stressful for people experiencing social phobia.

This anxiety disorder roots itself at the fear of being judged, rejected or scrutinised by others. People with this condition experience intense anxiety and self-consciousness in social settings.

Unlike other phobias, social anxiety can paralyse a person’s life greatly because they tend to avoid important interactions. It’s important to know that social interactions are an important pillar to our mental health. 

This is why, when untreated, Social Anxiety Disorder can lead to a cycle of avoidance and isolation. This might incite feelings of loneliness and depression. That’s why seeking treatment is important, as it can help break this cycle and improve one’s quality of life. 

If you find yourself (or a loved one) withdrawing from social interactions more often than usual, then it might be helpful to reach out to a registered trained professional. Our team at MeHelp are open to hearing you out, and helping you cope with the anxieties you’re experiencing. 

Panic Disorder

A common misconception people have is that panic disorders and panic attacks are the same. They are not. They are just closely related. 

“A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear or discomfort that peaks within minutes. During a panic attack, you may experience rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, or feelings of impending doom. These can occur in response to specific triggers or seemingly out of the blue.” Dr. Daniel White, one of our experts at MeHelp states. 

Panic disorders on the other hand is what we call the condition wherein people experience recurrent panic attacks. 

People with panic disorder might experience panic attacks several times a week – and in severe cases, several times a day. In addition to the panic attacks, people with panic disorder may also develop anticipatory anxiety. This is when they constantly fear having another attack. This fear can lead to significant changes in behaviour as they may avoid situations or places where they fear an attack might happen.

This avoidance can significantly impact a person's ability to live a normal life. That’s because it limits their social, occupational, and recreational activities.

When left untreated, Panic Disorder can lead to severe complications. This includes the development of other anxiety disorders, depression, or substance dependency. It can also increase the risk of suicide. 

That’s why seeking treatment is essential to manage symptoms and regain control over your life. Our team of licensed experts at MeHelp Psychology can help you navigate your panic attacks and anxieties. Just book a consultation with us.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

People can develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after experiencing a traumatic event. Although popular amongst soldiers and war veterans, regular people can also experience PTSD. That’s because all of us can experience drastic events in our lives. Events like physical abuse from a family member, a car accident, or a global pandemic. 

Essentially, this condition can affect anyone who has gone through a distressing situation that threatened their life or safety, or the life and safety of others. 

In fact, PTSD is a common mental issue experienced by Australians. Research shows that 11% of Australians will experience PTSD at least once in their lives. Individuals with PTSD may experience a range of symptoms that can severely impact their daily lives.

One of the primary symptoms of PTSD is the presence of intrusive memories. These are unwanted and distressing recollections of the traumatic event. They can surface any time, even without a trigger. These memories might be so vivid that they make you feel as though we are reliving the traumatic event again. 

Nightmares related to the traumatic event are also common, disrupting sleep and leading to further emotional exhaustion.

Aside from intrusive memories, people with PTSD often experience intense negative emotions when exposed to reminders of their trauma. This could include objects, sounds, sights, smells, or even certain dates or locations associated with the traumatic event. 

To cope with this distress, people may go to great lengths to avoid these reminders. This can result in significant changes to their routine, such as steering clear of specific places, people, or activities that they once enjoyed.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

People with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) typically have recurring intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions). 

Their obsessions are usually fears and anxieties about different things. So to cope with these unwanted feelings, they develop certain rituals to alleviate anxiety or prevent perceived harm (compulsions). 

These compulsions can significantly interfere with one’s daily life, work, relationships, and self-esteem.

For example, a person might develop the compulsion to knock on a door thrice before opening a door or entering a room. This compulsion might stem from a fear that they’ll catch something unsightly if they enter the room without knocking thrice first. 

Here’s an interesting fact about OCD. Did you know that research suggests that up to 30% of the world’s population has mild OCD? This means almost a third of the world has an obsession and compulsion to a mild degree. This can manifest in simple routines like triple checking all the switches before leaving the house for the fear of leaving the lights on.

Mild OCD tends to be harmless to people because their compulsions do not disrupt their daily life. However, when the obsessions and compulsions become extreme and interruptive in our daily life, then it becomes concerning. That’s because extreme OCD can disrupt our lives (and the lives of the people around us) to the point that it’s holding everyone back. 


Admitting that you have anxiety disorder is hard.  Because for the longest time, it meant being weak, broken, or damaged. But that’s not true. 

Having an anxiety disorder means you are a human who experienced certain events in your life that caused you to develop a defence mechanism to protect you. And that came in the form of an anxiety disorder. 

Although getting over anxiety disorders (whichever one you have) may seem like a steep uphill climb, overcoming it is possible. There are a lot of scientific advances in psychology and psychiatry that make it possible to overcome anxiety disorders.

So remember, seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step towards a better life. If you or your loved ones are experiencing what you think are anxiety disorders, reach out to our team at MeHelp Psychology for a consultation.


Insights From Team

What does Anxiety Feel Like?

Have you ever felt like something has been holding you back from living your best life? That is what anxiety can feel like.
Phillipa Brown
7 min read

Have you ever felt like something has been holding you back from living your best life? As if you have invisible chains that’s stopping you from doing your best, reaching your goals, and living life with joy? 

That’s how some people living with anxiety disorders feel. 

People experiencing anxiety disorders find it hard to live a good life due to its signs and symptoms interfering with their daily lives. They constantly wrestle with fearful thoughts, anxious feelings, fatigue, brain fog, and restlessness, among other challenges.

Although it’s true that anxiety lives in the mind, its impact can be felt in all aspects of one’s life. That’s why in this article, we’ll share with you how anxiety affects a person’s life. This article might help you realise just how challenging living with anxiety disorder can be, and how important it is to seek support. 

Anxiety Disorders can wear your body down

Anxiety and your physical health are closely intertwined. When you experience anxiety, your body's stress response system is activated. This leads to the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. During prolonged states of anxiety (Anxiety Disorders), this chronic stress can take a toll on your physical health in various ways.

  1. It weakens the heart. Multiple studies have linked anxiety to an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular issues. This is because the stress hormones released during anxiety can cause blood vessels to constrict. Leading to elevated blood pressure and an increased strain on the heart. That’s why prolonged stress and anxiety increases your risks of having a heart attack. 
  2. It tightens up the tummy. Anxiety can also have a significant impact on your digestive system. The gut and the brain are closely connected, and anxiety can trigger symptoms like nausea, stomach pain, diarrhoea, or constipation. That’s why if you notice, your stomach tends to tighten up whenever you feel nervous or anxious. Now, the phrase “sick to my stomach” makes more sense.
  3. Anxiety weakens your body’s shield. Chronic stress and anxiety have been shown to weaken the immune system. Making you more prone to illness and infections.This is because stress hormones can suppress the production of white blood cells, which are crucial for fighting off infections. This is also why a lot of people suffering from chronic and prolonged anxiety develop other immune-related conditions. 
  4. Keeps you up at night.  Anxiety can also contribute to sleep problems, such as insomnia or restless sleep. That’s because your body is in constant fight-or-flight mode. Meaning, it’s unable to rest since it always feels threatened. Over time, this lack of quality sleep can further worsen the symptoms of anxiety, creating a cycle of poor sleep and increased anxiety.

Anxiety weakens your mind

Anxiety not only affects your physical well-being but also has a significant impact on your mental health. Meaning, your brain experiences a lot of deterioration and difficulty when you’re in a constant state of anxiety. Here are some of the ways anxiety can impact your mental state:

  1. Fear makes you feel blue. Anxiety and depression can go hand-in-hand, with many people experiencing both conditions simultaneously. This is because anxiety can lead to feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, and a general sense of despair. So over time, these negative thought patterns contribute to the development of depression.
  2. Anxiety makes you dull. Because all of your mental energy is focused towards survival, other cognitive functions tend to suffer. That’s why people with prolonged anxiety experience symptoms such as brain fog, forgetfulness, difficulty to focus, remember information, and make decisions. 
  3. It’s easier to lose control when you’re anxious. When all our energy and will power is exhausted from trying to survive and fend-off real and imaginary threats, it’s almost impossible for you to regulate our emotions. This makes you more prone to outbursts, irritability, or difficulty expressing our feelings in a healthy way. This can strain our relationships and negatively impact your overall quality of life.
  4. Down a slippery slope you go. Some individuals may turn to alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with the overwhelming feelings of anxiety. This is because the mind is looking for ways to feel safe. And feeling numb makes it forget about the things you’re anxious about. This can lead to a cycle of substance abuse and worsening mental health.

If you start to notice that you’re experiencing the negative impact of anxiety disorders in your mind, it’s best to seek professional help and support. Our team at MeHelp Psychology can help you overcome your anxiety disorder, and regain your mental health. You can reach out to us to book an appointment. 

Anxiety creates unhelpful behaviours

Anxiety tends to change the way you behave. That’s because your mind is in deep survival mode, putting it on the edge. Understanding these behavioural changes can help you manage and address anxiety more effectively.

  1. Running away from fear. One of the most common behavioural responses to anxiety is avoidance. When your anxieties are triggered, you tend to start avoiding certain places, people, or situations that might trigger anxiety. While this might provide temporary relief, it often worsens anxiety in the long run by reinforcing the fear and preventing you from confronting and managing the anxiety-provoking situations.
  2. Running away from tasks. Anxiety can lead to procrastination – which is another form of avoidance. That’s because your mind is already in a state of fear. So you tend to lose your confidence even towards things we’re familiar with. Because you fear failure or making mistakes, you tend to put off tasks. Ironically, this leads to increased stress and anxiety as deadlines approach.
  3. Soothing the mind with compulsive behaviours. Some people develop compulsive behaviours as a way to manage anxiety. This can include repetitive actions like checking, counting, or cleaning. While these behaviours might temporarily reduce anxiety, they often become disruptive and difficult to control. Which leads them to develop Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD). 
  4. Aggressive tendencies tend to come out. When you’re unable to control your emotions, we might release some aggression towards the people around us. This might come in the form of verbal abuse. And in worse cases, physical confrontation. 

Anxiety can create strains in your relationships

Because of the changes in your mood and actions, anxiety can have profound effects on your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. Recognising these impacts can help you take steps to maintain healthy and supportive connections.

  1. Communication Issues. Anxiety can make communication difficult. You might struggle to express your thoughts and feelings clearly, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. And because you’re in a defensive mode, anxiety can also make the slightest criticism feel like an attack, which can strain relationships.
  2. Anxiety creates a false sense of attachment. When we’re in survival mode, it’s the mind’s instinct to look for safe spaces. And sometimes this comes in the form of people. That’s why anxiety can make you overly dependent on loved ones for reassurance and support. While it's natural to seek comfort from those close to you, excessive dependency can create tension and burden your relationships.
  3. But anxiety can also pull you away from everyone. Conversely, anxiety can also lead to social withdrawal. You might avoid social interactions to prevent anxiety, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. This withdrawal can further worsen anxiety and create depression.
  4. Anxiety puts a strain on your romantic relationships. Anxiety can affect intimacy in romantic relationships. It can lead to a lack of interest in physical intimacy because the anxious hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) hamper the intimacy hormones (testosterone, oxytocin, and serotonin). Moreover, because of the changes in behaviour, maintaining emotional closeness can also become challenging. 
  5. Creating conflict and tension. The irritability and mood swings associated with anxiety can lead to frequent conflicts and tension in the different relationships in your life.

Don’t Let Anxiety Hold You Back

Right now, you’re realising that anxiety is a terrible loop. It creates a lot of negative situations and outcomes in your life that tend to make it worse in the long run. So you might feel some fear and hopelessness because you don’t know how to break this cycle. 

But don’t worry. We’re here to assure you that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s possible to stop the anxiety loop, and prevent you from spiralling down because there are a lot of treatments and management strategies that you can access. 

If you're struggling with anxiety and its impact on your physical and mental health, we encourage you to reach out to our team at MeHelp Psychology to help you develop a personalised plan to manage your symptoms and improve your overall well-being. 

Remember, you don't have to face this alone, and there are resources and support available to help you on your journey to better health. Our team of online psychologists understand anxiety and can help you.


Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Heart disease and mental health. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/heart-disease-and-mental-health

Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). The gut-brain connection. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/the-gut-brain-connection

Eldridge, S. (2019). The impact of nutrition on mental health. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1179&context=university_honors_program

Heaney, C. (2020, October 7). What is brain fog and what causes it? ABC News. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.abc.net.au/news/health/2020-10-07/what-is-brain-fog-and-what-causes-it/12734948

Brain Training Australia. (n.d.). Procrastination. Retrieved June 13, 2024, from https://www.braintrainingaustralia.com/performance-problems/procrastination/

Healthy Male. (n.d.). How do stress and anxiety affect sexual performance and erectile dysfunction? Retrieved July 10, 2024, from https://healthymale.org.au/health-article/how-do-stress-and-anxiety-affect-sexual-performance-and-erectile-dysfunction

Insights From Team

Can I Get Over My Anxiety Disorder? Treatments for Anxiety

Living with an anxiety disorder is challenging. You live in a negative state filled with anxious thoughts and limiting beliefs. A look at treating anxiety.
Phillipa Brown
7 min read

Living with an anxiety disorder is challenging. You live in a negative state filled with anxious thoughts and limiting beliefs. The fearful thoughts weigh you down. Preventing you from living a life filled with joy and happiness. 

Being bombarded with negative thoughts about the future, feeling afraid of the things that might happen, avoiding social interactions for the fear of being judged, and getting flashbacks of our most traumatic experiences is a living hell. Especially if you go through these thoughts and feelings on a daily basis. But it’s important to remember that no matter how dark the tunnel looks, there’s always light in the end. 

This is why seeking support for anxiety is important if you want to regain the joy in your daily life. Seeking help is essential to living calmer and happier lives that aren’t held back by intrusive thoughts, fears, and unhelpful coping mechanisms. 

In this article, we’ll share different treatments MeHelp psychology offers our clients who experience different types of anxieties. Do take note that we’re sharing these ideas to you as an informative guide on what to expect, and not as medical advice. These ideas are meant to show you that if you (or anyone you love) is experiencing anxiety, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Being Clear on Anxiety 

Before we delve into the different solutions, let’s first define what anxiety disorders are, and how they’re different with nervousness. 

Anxiety disorders are a condition where a person is in a prolonged state of excessive fear and worry. What differentiates it from nervousness is how long you experience it, and how intense the feelings of fear are.

Typically, we experience nervousness before certain events such as an interview, a performance, or a first date. This is normal especially when the circumstances are unfamiliar to us. That’s because nervousness and anxiety is our body’s natural response to the unknown. This survival mechanism prepares us to fight or run if necessary (fight or flight mode). 

What’s not normal is when these feelings of nervousness or fear persists and intrudes into every facet of our lives. 

There’s More than Just One Type of Anxiety 

As we have mentioned in our previous articles, there are various anxiety disorders, each with specific characteristics. 

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) involves persistent, excessive worry
  • Panic Disorder is marked by sudden, intense panic attacks 
  • Phobias relate to an intense fear of particular situations or objects
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a response to stressful life events that cause flashbacks and other intrusive experiences. 
  • Social Anxiety is the fear of social interactions and situations from fear of judgement and embarrassment. 
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders are anxious behaviours that are typically a defence mechanism against anxiety. 

Impact on Daily Life

Anxiety disorders touch different aspects of a person’s life. It affects job performance, schoolwork, and personal relationships. The fear or anxiety must be out of proportion to the situation and hinder normal functioning to be diagnosed as an anxiety disorder

People with these disorders may try to avoid situations that trigger or worsen their symptoms, which can lead to social withdrawal and a decrease in life quality. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders, affecting millions worldwide, but they are treatable with professional counselling, medication, and lifestyle changes. This allows most people with anxiety disorders to lead normal, productive lives.

Seeking Professional Help

Knowing when to reach out for professional help with your anxiety is important because this can help you recover quickly, and prevent you from falling into a rut. Here's are signs to monitor, so you know it's time to take that step:

  • Persistent Anxiety: If you're constantly worrying for weeks on end, it's a sign you may need extra support.
  • Impact on Daily Life: When anxiety starts getting in the way of your work, school, or relationships, it's time to seek help.
  • Physical Symptoms: If you're experiencing things like a racing heart, shortness of breath, body pain,  or stomach issues without a clear reason, a professional can provide guidance.
  • Avoidance: Are you avoiding certain places or activities because of your anxiety? It might be a sign that anxiety is holding you back.
  • Difficulty Functioning: If the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders are stopping you from performing your responsibilities, and it’s draining joy out, then you might need some help. 
  • Frequent Panic Attacks: Recurring panic attacks are a clear signal to seek support.
  • Unmanageable Stress: When self-help strategies aren't cutting it and stress becomes overwhelming, it's time to reach out.
  • Changes in Sleep/Appetite: Notice significant changes in your sleeping or eating habits? It could be linked to your anxiety and worth discussing with a professional.
  • Substance Use: Using alcohol or drugs as a way to cope with anxiety? Seeking professional help can address both issues.
  • Emotional Distress: Feelings of hopelessness or extreme irritability impacting your well-being are important signs to seek support.

Recognising these signs in yourself is the first step toward getting the help you need. Don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional like our team at MeHelp Psychology—we’re here to support you on your journey to better mental health.

Psychological Treatments

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) combines techniques to change both thoughts and behaviours that create anxiety. It focuses on tackling specific problems/anxieties. One of the popular techniques in CBT is called reframing. This is an activity wherein you challenge your anxious thoughts so it loses its power. 

Research shows that CBT is very effective in treating anxiety, working well in both clinical studies and everyday practice.

All our licensed professionals at MeHelp are trained to provide CBT to our clients. We use this to help those who are experiencing anxieties manage their thoughts better, and regain control over their minds. 

Mindfulness-Based Therapies

Mindfulness practices, including Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), train individuals in mindful meditation and cognitive techniques. These therapies aim to reduce your reactions to emotions and improve stress management. Mindfulness is a helpful tool in managing anxiety because it allows us to recognize the thoughts we’re having. This awareness lets us observe, label, challenge, and discard them depending on their impact on us. 

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy focuses on accepting unhelpful thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with personal values. It teaches us to appreciate and observe our thoughts without attempting to change them. This helps us reduce the behaviour regulatory function of anxiety. 

Problem-Solving Therapy

Problem-solving therapy provides us with tools for identifying and solving problems caused by our life stressors. This aims to improve quality of life and reduce the impact of illness. It is practical, focusing on present issues rather than the past, and trains us to see problems as challenges instead of fixed realities. This therapy has been effective in treating depression and anxiety, among other conditions, and can be a valuable component of a comprehensive treatment plan for anxiety disorders.

Lifestyle and Self-Help Strategies

Moving, Working Out, and Being Active

One key strategy for overcoming anxiety is to exercise on a regular basis. That’s because it releases endorphins, which are our brain’s mood boosters. These happy hormones balance out the body's stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol which are overflowing when we’re anxious. 

Moreover, exercising frequently also enhances our brain’s overall function, which can relieve symptoms of anxiety. For example, exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, and dancing, have been proven to reduce anxiety and depression. It is beneficial to incorporate physical activity into one's routine to foster a sense of calm from anxiety.

Improving Your Daily Diet

A healthy diet is important if you want to overcome anxiety. That’s because certain foods have been proven to impact our mood and mind. Eating foods rich in magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are shown to help calm the mind and improve mood. That’s why eating foods like spinach, cashews, and salmon can be helpful to getting these essential nutrients. 

Moreover, probiotics can improve gut health, which is linked to mood regulation due to the gut-brain axis. That’s why eating dishes like yoghurt, pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut can also be beneficial. 

Finding Peace with Relaxation Techniques

Adding relaxation techniques in our daily life can help us find calm, and significantly reduce stress. This helps us overcome and prevent anxiety disorders. 

You can learn techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation to help you calm down. That’s because these activities can help activate the body's natural relaxation response, leading to a calmer state. 

Regular practice of these techniques can make them more effective. This is why many experts recommend having a daily mindfulness and meditation practice. 

Sleeping Habits

Good sleeping habits is one of the core pillars for mental wellness. That’s because sleep is our body’s way to restore and repair itself. This includes ensuring that our minds are in better health to handle anxiety. 

Creating a bedtime routine that helps us relax and prepares the body for sleep helps improve sleep quality. This might include avoiding coffee and other stimulants hours before bedtime. Limiting electronic screens or using blue light blockers before bedtime. Creating a cool, dark, and comfortable sleep environment. Establishing a regular sleep schedule.

By incorporating these lifestyle and self-help strategies into daily routines, we can manage anxiety more effectively and improve our quality of life.


Some anxiety disorders can be severe and lifestyle changes and therapy are not enough. That’s why in extreme cases like those, prescription medications are recommended. We will not cover this topic since it’s for severe cases, and we do not want to share information that might trigger self-medication.  

Finding the Right Therapist

Once you've decided to seek therapy, finding a therapist who aligns with your needs is important. You need to start by considering practical matters such as professional licensure, insurance coverage, and specialties. 

At MeHelp Psychology, we pride ourselves with only hiring professionally trained psychologists & counsellors. That’s because we believe in delivering the best solutions to our clients.

Another route to find the best therapist for you is through recommendations from friends, colleagues, and healthcare professionals. This is especially true if your friends or colleagues have worked with these experts for their personal challenges. 

Moreover, it's also beneficial to schedule short consultations to assess the connection before committing to therapy sessions. That’s why we have a preliminary consultation. Remember, therapy is deeply personal, and the right therapist should make you feel safe, comfortable, and understood. If the initial choice doesn't feel right, it's okay to seek a better fit.

Online and Telehealth Options

For those living with mild to moderate anxiety symptoms, online therapy could be a suitable option. Moreover, telehealth services have been expanded to include various online platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet, making it easier to receive anxiety disorder treatments without leaving your home. This flexibility is especially beneficial if you’re in remote areas or you have a busy schedule. If you are keen on exploring online and telehealth options for your therapy, our team of licensed professionals at MeHelp Psychology would be happy to provide the help you need. 


We hope that this article gave you an insight on your options on dealing with anxiety. As we mentioned above, this is not medical advice, but just an overview of what your journey would look like. It’s still best to consult with a licensed professional, so we can properly assess your condition, and provide you with the correct treatment plan that would work based on our understanding of you and your experiences. 


Black Dog Institute. (n.d.). Treatment for anxiety. Retrieved June 12, 2024, from https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/resources-support/anxiety/treatment/

American Psychiatric Association. (2017). The critical importance of caregiver involvement in the treatment of adolescents with eating disorders. Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 160. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2017.00160

Better Health Channel. (n.d.). Anxiety - treatment options. Retrieved June 12, 2024, from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/anxiety-treatment-options

Healthline. (n.d.). How to cope with anxiety. Retrieved June 12, 2024, from https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/how-to-cope-with-anxiety

Beyond Blue. (n.d.). Anxiety management strategies. Retrieved June 12, 2024, from https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety/treatments-for-anxiety/anxiety-management-strategies